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Concept Lectures

Vector Algebra and Calculus is a vital Mathematical tool required for explaining and understanding concepts in Physics. Developed over a period of last three centuries the application of these sub-fields in Mathematics is immense in the subject matter of Physics. Understanding Vectors and to be able to use them to explain Physical phenomena is an important prerequisite for pursuing Physics.

Session # 1 This Session introduces the concept of vectors and its relevance in Physics

Session # 2 This Session discusses the methods of representing vectors, notations used and what is meant by a parallel shift of vectors and its physical significance.

Session # 3 This Session covers representation of vectors, concept of the magnitude of a vector, how to calculate the magnitude of a vector, concept of unit vector.

Session # 4 This Session introduces the concept of addition of two vectors and its Geometrical interpretation. Also, Triangle Law of Vector Addition and Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition has been explained

Session # 5 This Session discusses the algebraic method of finding the magnitude and direction of two given vectors.

Session # 6 This Session discusses the concept of multiplication of a vector by a scalar quantity.

Session # 7 This Session discusses the concept of multiplication of a vector by another vector.

Session # 8 Resolution of a vector and breaking a vector down into its components.

Session # 9 Resolution of a vector and breaking a vector into its components - part 2

Session # 10 Representation of a vector as a linear combination of unit vectors along the cartesian coordinates- Part 1

Session # 11 Representation of a vector as a linear combination of unit vectors along the cartesian coordinates- Part 2

Session # 12 Basic operations on vectors represented in terms of unit vectors addition, scalar and vector multiplication.

Session # 13 Application of Vectors, finding the area of a triangle whose sides are represented by vectors

Session # 14 Application of Vectors, derivation of Lami's Theorem (Sine Rule in a triangle)

Problem Solving Session

Session # 1 Discussion on the solution to the problems in Assignments