The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care For Children And Infants To Treat And Prevent Ear Infections

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The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care For Children And Infants To Treat And Prevent Ear Infections

Understanding Ear infection

An ear infection is a medical condition caused by a bacterial infection very common in infants and children under the age of 5. Their immature Eustachian tubes make them more prone to these infections. According to pediatrics, this ailment is caused by blocked or swollen Eustachian tubes and can upset any part of the infant’s ear. The fluid build-up in these tubes can also be very painful to the child. The spine dislocation can occur during birth or when your child is learning how to work and run.

Some of the symptoms of an ear infection include impaired balance and hearing, light-headed, pain in the ear and lack of sound sleep. Using antibiotics is one of the common treatments for this condition but with time, the body only develops resistance.

Surgery is also an option especially if these infections are frequent. Among all these possible treatments, chiropractic care remains to be the best and safest especially for children and infants. This article will focus on chiropractic care as the best option and outline some of the benefits of this treatment.

How chiropractic care works

Chiropractic care is among the few gentle treatments procedures for dealing with ear infections. It involves a few chiropractic adjustments that are aimed at reducing joint dysfunctions in the spinal and other joints in the body. This will in return deal with the swelling improving function of the affected joint. Moreover, this treatment can improve the overall nervous system of the child.

According to pediatrics, a better joint movement, and an improved spinal health is just what your child needs to heal from ear infections. To achieve this, chiropractic care will not involve any invasive procedures like inserting a tube into your child’s ears. Unlike other forms of treatment, this treatment will be all natural and hence the safest for the child. Only very gentle adjustments on the child’s neck and spine will be needed.

Moreover, chiropractic care will not require any antibiotics to resolve ear infections. Your child is therefore not at any risk of acquiring any addictions from the use of antibiotics. Some of the benefits of using this treatment include

i. Enhanced coordination

Chiropractic care treatment ensures your joints and spine are perfectly in alignment. This improves the operation of your body parts attaining a harmonious functioning for effective results. Coordination is therefore achieved and improved.

ii. Release from any discomfort

An ear infection can be uncomfortable and painful at the same time. It is also capable of affecting the child’s sleep in most cases because of the physical uneasiness. Chiropractic therapy ensures your child retains his or her comfort the easy way.

iii. Enhanced flexibility

Gently adjustments of the spine and neck will definitely leave the child more relaxed and flexible enough for growth. Your child’s body is more flexible when his joints have motion and lack any interference.

iv. Decreased inflammation

During the treatment, the adjustments handle the blocked tubes that normally run from the child’s ear to the back of his or her throat. The fluid build-up that causes inflammation is therefore reduced and slowly eradicated.

In conclusion, if you have been worried about your child’s ear infection, chiropractic care must just be the best option. It will be a very fast and assured way of resolving the problem once and for all. Moreover, it is among the few treatments that will not require any consumption of antibiotics which can be addictive to your child. It is a very trusted and safe procedure that has resolved a number of similar conditions including torticollis. Chiropractic would, therefore, be a great way of managing ear infections.

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